Stop wasting time with pointless non-progressive rehab that probably isn’t fixing your spine anyways.  Time to get serious.  There is so much information out there how are we supposted to know whats right or wrong?  Well, we have teamed up with some seriously good physio’s, doctors, and personal trainers to create the endorphin series.  This series focuses on the lower back and is seriously worth while.  This is a SIX week program that tells you exactly (with video) what to do for your achy back. It has weekly planning including sets reps and holds; all in a progressive manner.  By the end of it you will be amazed at what you are doing with your spine.  Again, this is a program that shows you, step by step, how to bullet proof your spine.  Complete with video instruction, reps, sets, and hold times; it covers six weeks of training Monday to Friday.  Comprehensive and complete.

20 trips to the physio will cost you around a thousand dollars.  We don’t have that type of money, do you?  This is the SAME thing, the same exercises, for only 14.99.  Cheaper than a haircut, night at the movies, or that CD you wanted to buy.  Time to weigh in what you need and what you want.

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